It's the fifth time we organised charity walk. From around 300 grassroots residents walking five years back to today's close to 300 registrants and 200 corporate supporters, it's been a long journey. My deepest gratitude to my team, all the volunteers, the good weather and all of you who participated and supported my last fundraising event.
再过三天 好几百人将在这美丽湖畔 晨光中脚踩时尚木屐 为有需要的病友义走 祈愿烟霾散尽,风和日丽 也为近五年旅程结束前 最后的策划案 画下圆满的句点 Another three days - for hundreds who registered for BVH Charity Walk In Clogs 2015, we shall meet at this beautiful lake side. Let's pray for a clear sky and nice weather.